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Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take me to get my pedal?
I typically will list an estimated lead time on the home page. This is only
an estimate as some time it may take a little longer and sometimes it
won't take that long. I typically ship USPS Priority Mail on all domestic
and international orders. If you are in the U.S. your pedal will typically
arrive in 2-3 days once it has been shipped. If you live abroad it typically
takes 6-10 days. Sometimes however customs will interfere and it may
take a little longer.

I bought a pedal from one of your dealers or you and it
arrived broken. What should I do?

Please email me as I will typically email you a return shipping label and
repair the pedal as quickly as possible and get it back to you in working

I live outside the U.S. will you declare a lesser value for
my pedal?

Unfortunately I cannot do this. I have to declare the actual value of the
pedal for insurance purposes as well as it's the law. If the pedal was lost
in the mail this is how my insurance claim is based.

Can you custom build me a pedal?
Yes I custom build pedals although I do not do custom graphics at this
time. Please email me if you would like to have a custom pedal built.

I noticed that you do not offer a certain pedal anymore.
Can I still get one?

Yes, most of the pedals that I do not offer anymore are listed in the
archives. If you had your heart set on one and all of a sudden the new site
was published and it is no longer offered, fear not as I can still build you
any of the pedals that I used to offer.

I lost the directions to my pedal, can I get another copy?
Yes, simply email me and I will send you the required directions. 

They are also available for download on the site.

Frequently Asked Wah Pedal Questions

Why are there so many models and what's the difference?
Each model has it's own special nuances. The Rippah series has a much
different growl characteristic as does the Wilson models. Much of the
difference comes from just changing a few different parts within the circuit
and other differences are the controls and their abilities to alter the circuit
and it's sound. So there is a difference between the models.

Does my  wah come with an LED?
Most wahs come wih the LED indicator unless otherwise
specified. Can we add an LED? Yes for a small up charge.

Why is my wah hard to turn on?
I try to set the switch on every wah so it is not that difficult to turn on, at
least to me. In some instances it may be necessary to raise the switch or if
as your wah ages perhaps replacing the felt pad under the toe that the
switch hits.

There is a scratchy sound when I play my wah, why?
Most of the wahs come with a cleanable potentiometer. It will on occasion
need to be cleaned. This is a good practice as this will help insure that
your potentiometer has a long life. I highly recommend using a non residual
contact cleaner/lube such as MG Chemicals Super Contact Cleaner.
Simply peel the black dust cover off the back of the pot and spray a shot of
cleaner in the slot underneath the wires. This should clear it up and if by
chance you need a new pot, please contact me as I can get you a
replacement for much below retail cost.

My wah is making a humming noise, why?
There are many reasons a wah pedal picks up a hum. Make sure if you
are using a power supply that you are using a regulated power supply.
Make sure that the pedal is as far away from any power supplies or ac
cables as possible. Make sure you have the pedal far enough away from
your amplifier.

Why does my wah pick up radio stations?
I have only had this happen a few times since starting out but it turns out
that wah pedals are notorious for picking up radio signals. It seems this
happens more in certain parts of the country than others. One thing you
can try if you have this problem is moving the pedal to a different location.
There are many topics on the world wide web about this and many
solutions to try. It's hard to say which ones may work but if you have this
problem and cannot resolve it please contact me and I will work with you to
try and resolve it.

If I choose to replace my potentiometer or switch myself
does this void my warranty?

No. There are a lot of instances where I do not mind if you work on or mod
your pedal. I actually encourage you to experiment if that's your thing all
that I ask is that if you have a problem and you have caused it please be
up front as I will typically take care of it aside from shipping costs.

If my pedal is out of warranty will you still fix it?
Typically when there is a problem with one of my pedals it is not that hard
for me to address. While I state that I have a one year warranty I typically,
on a regular basis fix pedals that are out of warranty or that have been sold
to someone else. I will usually only charge shipping in these instances to
cover that cost. After all I have my name on these pedals and that is the
type of service I would want for myself. All that I ask in these instances is
that you be patient as it really depends on how busy I am at the time on
how quickly I can get to the repair.

My pedal is too loose and won't stay up. How do I fix this?
At the heel of the pedal underneath there is a 4mm allen screw. While
there is an allen wrench included with most of the wahs I recommend
getting a T-handle wrench as it is a lot easier to get in there and get the
leverage needed to tighten it. Some of the pedals also have a washer on
this screw. If needed you can take the screw out and remove the washer to
get a little more range out of the tensioner.

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